We’re starting to spend more time outdoors again and things are definitely heating up out there!
As we ease back into our summer activities, now is the time to make sure we’re staying healthy and protected under the summer sun! Here are five simple tips to help you get the most out of summer:
- Sun Protection! It seems obvious, but many of us forget our sun protection. Wearing sunscreen is necessary all year long, but especially in summer! It protects us against skin cancer, but also helps to fight wrinkles and sun spots on our skin. Also, don’t forget your hats and cover-ups when you’re headed outdoors!

- Hydration! I take my reusable water bottle everywhere, all the time. It’s not just for working out! Staying hydrated is even more important with warmer weather and outdoor activities. Water is best for hydration, so try and avoid those soda drinks with sugar and caffeine. For a fun and tasty alternative, get some sparkling water and add your own fruit or a drop of pineapple juice and add a splash of Sambucol Black Elderberry syrup. It’s super refreshing and adds a great anti-oxidant immune boost!
- Moisturize! Our skin dries out as we spend more time in the sun, the water and even from air conditioning. For moisturizing the face, I love applying oils such as argan and jojoba over my moisturizer. They keep skin glowing while revitalizing dry skin.Moisturizer isn’t just for your face, we need it all over the body. My choice for body moisturizers is anything with shea butter! Shea butter is extracted from shea tree nuts. It has a creamy consistency that’s easy to spread on your skin. High concentrations of fatty acids and vitamins make shea butter an ideal ingredient to help keep your skin moist and soft. Your skin will love you for it!
- Nutrition & Immune Support! Summer is the time to add all those delicious fresh fruits and veggies into our daily routines! Avoid the temptations of fast foods and sugary snacks and grab some real food instead! Sunburns and too much sun exposure can weaken our body’s immune system so don’t forget your daily dose of Sambucol Black Elderberry!
- Move! Many of us have been working out at home. Now that we can get outside, make the most of it and go for that family hike or bike ride. It’s a fun way to break up your regular routine. Whether it’s a walk or a workout, ease in to your new routine at first, then set a personal goal to do a little more or go just a little further each day. It’s amazing how soon you will see and feel the results!
Summer is here, so stay safe, stay strong and stay healthy!
Michelle Harris is the host of Alive & Well with Michelle Harris, a national TV series promoting the wellness lifestyle. Michelle is one of the media’s leading lifestyle experts and is a frequent guest on TV shows, radio shows, magazine interviews, red carpets and live events. Michelle is also the co-founder of Animal Angels, a non-profit advocacy group where celebrities promote pet health and adoptions.
Visit Alive & Well at www.aliveandwell.tv or follow Michelle on FB @aliveandwelltv and on IG @michelleharris_tv